
Suneez children’s sunglasses creators, have been supporting Orbis since 2019 with a donation on every pair of glasses sold.

In 2019, Suneez partnered with Orbis to amplify the importance of protecting children’s eye health from an early stage. Children are more susceptible to damage from the sun’s rays due to their eyes not being as developed as adult’s. For this reason, it is important for children to wear good quality sunglasses to protect them against harmful UVA / UVB rays. Orbis are delighted to receive a donation from every pair of sunglasses sold and look forward to spreading the importance of eye care.

Talking of the partnership, David Strang, CEO at Suneez said:

Suneez was cre­at­ed with the pur­pose of pro­tect­ing children’s eyes and allow­ing par­ents to invest in their children’s’ opti­cal health. Chil­dren are actu­al­ly more sus­cep­ti­ble to dam­age from the sun’s rays due to their eyes not being as devel­oped as adult’s. At Suneez we try to edu­cate par­ents about poten­tial sun dam­age to eyes whilst offer­ing them cool, durable and safe sun­glass­es that their chil­dren will want to wear. Orbis is an amaz­ing char­i­ty that makes such a huge dif­fer­ence to so many people’s eye­sight. This is obvi­ous­ly a huge part of Suneez ethos and makes for a per­fect part­ner­ship. We real­ly respect and admire the work that Orbis car­ries out and we are thrilled to be work­ing together.

And Kathryn Sweet, Head of Partnerships at Orbis UK said:

One of Orbis’s main focus­es glob­al­ly is rais­ing aware­ness of eye health and encour­ag­ing every­one, no mat­ter what their age, to pro­tect and look after their vision. Suneez mis­sion to bring qual­i­ty sun­glass­es to chil­dren is incred­i­bly impor­tant. We’re delight­ed that by pur­chas­ing a pair of their sun­glass­es not only will you pro­tect a child’s sight but also, through the dona­tion on each sale, sup­port Orbis’s work globally.

If you would like to find out more about ways your company could work with Orbis please contact:

Matt Coleman, Corporate Partnerships Manager at Orbis UK.

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