Classroom seats onboard the Flying Eye Hospital, which look just like normal plane seats, but in our blue colours

Passenger Experience Week selects Orbis as Charity Partner

As Charity Partner, Passenger Experience Week provides Orbis with an incredible opportunity to raise funds and awareness in the aviation industry.

Passenger Experience Week logo 2018

If you’re attending the show please visit Orbis on stand 2U03 where you can enjoy a virtual tour of the incredible Flying Eye Hospital, the world’s only accredited ophthalmic hospital on board an MD10 aircraft, and find out more about its role in the fight against avoidable blindness.

Orbis is grateful to Passenger Experience Week, which has selected Orbis as the events’ first ever Charity Partner. The organising team have generously provided Orbis with a stand at the event along with many on-site and online branding and marketing opportunities to raise awareness amongst the thousands of attendees.

Emma and Tasha on Aix stand 2018

Rebecca Cronin

CEO of Orbis UK

We are immense­ly grate­ful to Pas­sen­ger Expe­ri­ence Week for choos­ing Orbis as its char­i­ty part­ner. The event presents an amaz­ing oppor­tu­ni­ty to engage with atten­dees at the show and to share the sto­ry of how the avi­a­tion and med­ical worlds have come togeth­er to make a real dif­fer­ence to people’s lives. Thanks to the sup­port of part­ners such as Pas­sen­ger Expe­ri­ence Week, we can pro­vide vital oper­a­tions to chil­dren suf­fer­ing with cataract, train local med­ical staff so that they can help more peo­ple with­in their com­mu­ni­ty, and con­tin­ue to work hard across the globe to ensure that no one expe­ri­ences blind­ness unnecessarily

Orbis will also be asking companies who exhibit at the show to consider donating to the charity. They have recognition packages for donations of £1,000 and £5,000 and would be delighted to discuss these, as well as opportunities for larger contributions to their work. For more information please visit the stand, email Matt Coleman, Corporate Partnerships Manager, on [email protected] or visit How your company can support Orbis.

Polly Magraw

Exhibition Director of Aircraft Interiors Expo

We have long been look­ing for the per­fect char­i­ty part­ner for Air­craft Inte­ri­ors Expo, and we are delight­ed that we have been able to part­ner with such an inspir­ing char­i­ty as Orbis. By giv­ing a plat­form to Orbis at Pas­sen­ger Expe­ri­ence Week, the full spec­trum of com­pa­nies across the air­craft inte­ri­ors sec­tor can learn how avi­a­tion is giv­ing peo­ple around the world access to qual­i­ty eye-care, no mat­ter where they live.
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