Orbis Programmes are expanding thanks to new funding from Qatar Fund for Development

In 2020, our joint eye health initiative with the Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD), will be expanding thanks to a new injection of funding from the nation.

Qatar Creating Vision (QCV), which began in 2016, has provided 5.9 million eye tests to children across India and Bangladesh, where approximately 473,000 children are blind. This new phase of programmes will tackle avoidable blindness in more countries across Asia and will also now improve eye health services in Africa.

In 2018, the initiative was extended to help those struggling with vision loss within the Rohingya and local host community in South East Bangladesh. Demand for services has been incredibly high and in just under two years, we’ve delivered over 150,000 eye tests, treatments and surgeries thanks to their support.

Our CEO, Rebecca Cronin, commented:

The gen­eros­i­ty of the Qatar Fund for Devel­op­ment and the Qatari peo­ple has helped us to deliv­er sight sav­ing treat­ments to those who need it most. We know that a sig­nif­i­cant pro­por­tion of blind­ness is avoid­able, yet many ser­vices may be too far away to reach or sim­ply too expen­sive. Through ini­tia­tives such as Qatar Cre­at­ing Vision, we can bring eye care ser­vices clos­er to home.

His Excellency, Khalifa bin Jassem Al-Kuwari, Director General of QFFD continued:

This expan­sion comes from the com­mit­ment of QFFD to pro­vide access to health ser­vices for chil­dren and adults around the world, and QCV pro­vides a plat­form for NGO’s, cor­po­rate sec­tor and the com­mu­ni­ty to get involved and help the ini­tia­tive pro­vide chil­dren with a bet­ter future. We hope that by treat­ing those chil­dren we don’t only help them see bet­ter, but that we can help them learn bet­ter in schools and have a bet­ter life quality.

Keep an eye on our website for more updates in 2020 as new Qatar Creating Vision programmes launch throughout the year.

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