Thank you for making Dai's future clearer

For the first nine years of little Dai's life, he suffered with cataracts. What began as a subtle clouding of the lenses in his eyes slowly got worse, and as he grew older, he was able to see less and less of the world around him.

His mother, Bùi, worried about him constantly. She told us: “he had to walk by himself to school every day despite not being able to see bicycles coming his way, making his daily journeys quite dangerous.”

To keep him safe and out of harm's way, Bùi would often keep him inside the house, as when you can’t see clearly, even walking out the front door can be scary.

This also meant that he was unable to do a lot of the things that he loved – like playing outside, riding his bike and exploring the riverbanks near his home in Hau Giang Province, Vietnam.

Before his cataracts surgery, Dai from Vietnam was unable to explore the riverbanks near his home because he couldn't see

Before his surgery, Dai was unable to explore the riverbanks near his home

For a while, Bùi feared that her dream of Dai’s sight being saved may never be realised, and he would be forced to live a life of blindness.

But thanks to people like you, a visit to the Orbis-supported Can Tho Children’s Hospital in Vietnam completely turned his life around. It was here they were told that Dai would be able to have the sight-saving cataract operation, that they would have otherwise been unable to afford, free of charge!

The whole family were delighted, and Dai wasn’t even nervous about the operation. Bùi told us: “he wasn’t afraid at all afraid of the surgery, he even helped to calm fellow patients’ anxieties once he woke up from it!”

Dai’s operation was a success! He told us: “I was able to see everything very clearly and didn’t have any more problems going to school.”

Bùi is also thrilled at the changes she sees in her son: now, he rides his bike every day, his grades at school have improved and he is much happier!

Bùi’s dream came true – and it was all thanks to our wonderful supporters like you.

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