Following her travels, Penn returned to London to help establish Orbis’s first global affiliate. Her work there set the frame for a further seven fundraising offices worldwide.
"It’s incredible to see where Orbis is now - to see all the lives they’re transforming. To know that Orbis started with David Payton’s prescient and brave idea to become what it today is so wonderful. And for me, working with Oliver and my Orbis colleagues was an experience of a lifetime. They were and remain some of the finest people I've ever met.
“But I know that success is only the tip of the iceberg. Orbis and the whole eye care community have much work left to do. There are 1.1 billion people living with visual impairment, including blindness. 90% of these people suffer needlessly given that we have preventative or medical interventions that can restore their vision.
"The two main causes of avoidable blindness in the world today – cataracts and trachoma – are both curable with a relatively simple surgical procedure costing no more than $35! Dig deep, give now – your gift will make all the difference to those whose lives are needlessly limited by visual impairment”.
Everyone at Orbis, would like to express our gratitude to Penn, without your bravery, ambition and industrious leadership - millions of people would not be able to see the world today.
This International Women's Day, read more about the Orbis women whose leadership is building a brighter future for millions of people living with avoidable blindness.